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Themepark Author’s Manual

This manual is for authors of Themepark themes and topics. You should also refer to the chapter on the Flex Output in the osm2pgsql manual which contains many details that are not repeated here.

Creating a Theme

Creating you own theme is easy. First, you need a name, we’ll use hotdog in this document. Always choose a name with only ASCII letters, digits, and underscores; the first character can not be a digit. This way your theme name will be valid Lua identifier.

  1. Create a directory hotdog.
  2. Create a directory hotdog/topics.
  3. Create a file hotdog/init.lua with the following content:
local themepark = ...
local theme = {}

-- your code here

return theme

(Add the three dots exactly as you see them above.)

You can add any code common to your theme in that file. You can access functions from the themepark framework through the themepark variable. Make sure all variables are local to that script. Add anything you might need outside the file to the theme table.

Now you are ready to add topics…

Adding Topics to Your Theme

You’ll need a name for each topic, we’ll use YOUR_TOPIC in this document. Always choose a name with only ASCII letters, digits, and underscores; the first character can not be a digit. This way your topic name will be valid Lua identifier.

To add a topic create a file hotdog/topics/YOUR_TOPIC.lua. Start the file with this line:

local themepark, theme, cfg = ...

(Add the three dots exactly as you see them above.)

Now add your code. You can refer to the Themepark framework objects through the themepark variable, refer to your theme object through the theme variable and to the config variables set with the add_topic() call through the cfg variable. All three are Lua tables.

Content of a Topic File

A topic file will usually consist of these sections:

All sections are optional.

Defining a Table

Tables are defined with themepark:add_table(SETTINGS). It has many of the same settings as the underlaying osm2pgsql.define_table() function, but adds some extra functionality.

Here are all the settings:

Setting Description
columns Column definitions, see below.
geom If this is a string, sets the type of the geometry column (point, linestring, …); the column will be named geom. If this is a Lua table, use column key to define the name of the geometry column and type for the geometry type.
external Set this to true if the table is created outside osm2pgsql.
ids_type See below.
indexes Index definitions. See Flex manual for details.
name The table name for the database and also used in the config file to refer to the table.
schema Schema override. Use option schema to set for all tables.
tags Set OSM tags used in this table (optional, used for taginfo plugin only).
tiles Set settings for tileservers (optional, used with tileserver plugins only).

The column definitions work just like in a normal osm2pgsql flex config. But don’t define a geometry column. Use the geom setting instead. (If you want to define several geometry columns use geom for the main one and add others as needed. But the extra geometry columns will not get some of the special treatment the main geometry column gets, such as for tile server configs.)

There is one optional extra field tiles in a column definition that allows you to configure how this column is treated by the tile server plugins. If this is set to false, this column will not appear in the tiles, if it is set to 'minzoom', this column is expected to contain a zoom level and rows in this table will only appear in the tile of that zoom level and above.

The ids_type defines what ID columns the table should get. For tables that will be filled with data from nodes, ways, or relations, set this to node, way, or relation, respectively. For tables that will be filled with area data from ways or relations, set this to area. For tables that will be filled from a mix of source types, set this to any. For tables created for generalized data filled by any of the tile generalizers, use tile. Setting ids_type will choose good defaults for id column names. If you need something specific, you can also use the ids setting instead as described in the flex manual. Set ids_type = false if you don’t want any ids on a table, but such tables can not be updated or expired automatically!

Adding Support for Naming Policies

Instead of just defining the columns as a list, you can wrap your columns in a call to thempark:columns() like this:

    columns = themepark:columns({
        --- ... put your columns here

This allows it other topics to set extra columns to add to your tables. Specifically this is used to add a name column or columns using several name-* topics in the core theme. See the user manual for how this is used.

Defining Processing Functions

Processing functions are defined in each topic of each theme with the themepark:add_proc(TYPE, FUNC) function. The following processing types are available:

Type Plain osm2pgsql config equivalent Description
node osm2pgsql.process_node() Called for each (tagged) node.
way osm2pgsql.process_way() Called for each (tagged) way.
relation osm2pgsql.process_relation() Called for each (tagged) relation.
area none Called for ways or relations that are areas.
select_relation_members osm2pgsql.select_relation_members() Does the same thing as equivalent function, results are collected.
gen osm2pgsql.process_gen() Generalization (see below).

All functions of type node, way, and relation defined in the different topics are called in the order they were defined. The functions have two parameters, the OSM object (just like in normal flex output callbacks) and a data object that is initially an empty Lua table and that you can use to store any kind of data you’ll need again. (By convention you should store all data of a specific theme in a sub-table under the name of that theme (data.theme = { mydata = 'foo' }).) The data will be given to each function of the same type called on the same object. If any of your function returns the text 'stop', processing for that object will end there. You can also change anything in the supplied “object”, but beware that other themes might expect the object to look in a certain way, so this should only be done in specific well documented cases.

The area function type behaves similarly to the node, way, and relation types, but it is called for all ways and all relations that describe an area. The functions themepark:way_is_area(object) and themepark:relation_is_area(object) decide what counts as an area. You can overwrite those functions if needed. By default closed ways are areas and all relations tagged type=multipolgon or type=boundary. Inside our area callback function you can use the object:as_area() function which is defined as either object:as_polygon() (for ways) or as object:as_multipolygon() for relations.

Here is an example for a callback function that cleans up the oneway tag:

-- Get canonicalized version of 'oneway' tag
themepark:add_proc('way', function(object, data)
    if not data.mytheme then
        data.mytheme = {}

    local ow = object.tags.oneway
    if ow then
        if ow == 'yes' or ow == 'true' or ow == '1' then
            data.mytheme.oneway = 1
        elseif ow == '-1' then
            data.mytheme.oneway = -1
            data.mytheme.oneway = 0

    -- store in object tag only if you are sure other themes will understand this
    -- object.tags.oneway = tostring(data.mytheme.oneway)

Inserting Data

To insert data into a table, call the themepark:insert(TABLE_NAME, ATTRS[, TAGS[, DEBUG]]) function. It basically does the same job as the object:insert() function in non-Themepark config files.

It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
TABLE_NAME The name of the table as defined with themepark:add_table()
ATTRS A Lua table with the column names mapping to their values. (Use geom for the geometry column unless you have defined it with a different name.)
TAGS The tags straight from the OSM object. Optional, used in debug mode.
DEBUG A Lua table with any extra data to be stored in the debug column. Optional, used in debug mode.

Naming Conventions

Themepark uses some conventions when naming things and proposes others to make config files more consistent and easier to use.

Helper Functions

The Themepark framework has a few helper functions:

Function Description
themepark.expand_template(str) Expand instances of {schema} and {prefix} in the input str to the settings of the same name and return the result.
themepark.with_prefix(name) Add configured prefix to a table name (if any) and return the full name.

Customization Points

You can redefine the following functions in the Themepark framework to get some special functionality. You should only do that in special cases! See the source code for details.

Function Description
themepark:ids_policy() Decides how ids_type settings are translated into column names.
themepark:way_is_area() Decides which ways are considered to be areas.
themepark:relation_is_area() Decides which relations are considered to be area.

Tileserver Plugins

Themepark can create a tileserver config for you based on the tables etc. that you have defined. Currently plugins for the T-Rex and Tilekiln tile servers are available.

The tile server config that you’ll get will probably not be perfect, but it will get you going. Please report any issues with it.

There are several places where you can define specific tile server behaviour. The most important is the table definition. The tiles field can be set to false to not export this table to tiles. This is useful for interim tables that are only used to create other tables from. Or the tiles field is set to a Lua object which can have the following fields:

Field Type Description
minzoom int Minimum zoom level the data from this table should be used for.
maxzoom int Maximum zoom level the data from this table should be used for.
xycondition bool  
group text Set to the name of another table to group tiles from this table with. See below.
simplify bool Instruct the tileserver to simplify the geometries. Not supported by all tile servers.

Sometimes you have a table that is created not by osm2pgsql but from some other process but you still want that table to show up in the tiles configuration. Define the table with themepark:add_table() as described above and add the setting external = true.

Table Grouping

Sometimes it is useful to have different tables with related data for different zoom levels, usually with one table with all the details for higher zoom levels and other tables with generalized data for lower zoom levels. You can group several database tables together to achieve this. The main table is defined normally and will appear with its name in the tile, but give it a minzoom setting. Then add the group setting to all other tables with the name of the main table and their own minzoom and maxzoom settings.