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Project Ideas

We have many ideas for new features and capabilities for osm2pgsql. Here is a list of some medium to large projects we want to do at some point. Each one will take several days or weeks or even longer. It is unlikely that we will have the time to work on many of these in the near future, so don’t hold your breath.

Note that the descriptions below are somewhat vague, that’s because these are ideas, not complete specifications. For most of the projects the coding part is probably going to be smaller than the design, which has to make sure everything fits well with other parts of osm2pgsql, is maintainable in the long term and so on. (For more concrete projects see the issues).

If you are a developer with some time on your hands and one of these ideas seems interesting to you, by all means go ahead and give it a shot. Play around a bit and think about how you would solve that problem. Before you invest a lot of time or write a lot of code you should come talk to us. All these ideas are interconnected with other projects and we want to help getting to a solution that fits into osm2pgsql. If there isn’t already a discussion about that topic, start one.

If you are the boss of a company or other organization and need one of those features, you can help getting it done by paying somebody. If you have developers in your organization, you can let them work on it. Or you can contract one of the osm2pgsql developers to do the work. If you don’t have the kind of money to support development of a complete feature but have some money, contact us and tell us what you need. Sometimes we can get several people with similar goals together to jointly fund something.

Area Checks on Import

There are many cases where you need to know in which country (or state or region or some kind of area) a feature is to process or style it properly. For instance, highway shields look different in each country, so you might want to style them differently. Or you want to do something different with name labels depending on the language spoken in some area. For routing you might need different default speed limits depending on country.

You can do this check in the database after running osm2pgsql, but it would be nice (and more performant) to be able to do this on the fly on import. We’d need some facility to define areas of interest, for instance from GeoJSON files or from a database table. And then all imported objects need to be checked against those areas and labelled accordingly in some way. This could also be used to limit import to some area.

Coastline Processing

Most maps need to differentiate between ocean and land areas or want to render the coastline in some way. Currently coastline processing is done with the separate program OSMCoastline or the data is simply downloaded from There are good reasons for that solution, but it is a bit cumbersome. With the new generalization framework we have in osm2pgsql a solution inside osm2pgsql might be possible.

Any solution must be able to cope with the problem that the coastline is often broken somewhere on the planet creating invalid data. That’s why this is somewhat tricky and not just a case of merging all ways tagged natural=coastline and creating polygons from that.


There are many opportunities to improve generalization support in osm2pgsql for specific data types. Most important are probably buildings, the road network, and boundaries.

See also the generalization project page.

Using Information from Associated OSM Objects

The classic osm2pgsql processing models is based on the idea that each OSM object can be processed on its own. You look at each node, way, or relation separately. You’ll need the node locations for the ways and you’ll need the member geometries for the relation, but that was it. But that’s not really enough. For many things we need the tags of related (member or parent) objects.

Maybe you want to treat a node tagged barrier=gate differently depending on the type of highway it is on. Or you need the tags from a bus stop together with the tags of the bus route relation.

There is already the two-stage processing which allows you to do some of that, but it is limited.

Processing Stages and Data Access

With the recent addition of generalization support we have two kinds of processing in osm2pgsql. The first happens while the input data is read and you get the usual callbacks into your Lua code. The important characteristic of this phase is that you only work on one OSM object at a time. (There is two-stage processing which allows limited access to other objects, but it works essentially on the same model.)

In the generalization phase the whole model is different: You have access to all data (as long as it is in the database already, either because it is in the middle tables or because it was put into specific tables in the first phase). But in that phase you don’t have access to those objects from Lua, you either have to trigger SQL code or you can use the predefined generalization code.

There are, of course, reasons for this and the combination does work well, but maybe this is not all it could be. Specifically we could allow some kind of Lua processing in later phases where access to all objects is possible. This would make some processing easier than today where you either need to use two-stage processing for some use cases or you need to split processing into Lua in the first phase and some extra SQL processing in a later phase.

Processing Stages and Dependencies

Osm2pgsql processes incoming data in several stages, first nodes, then ways, then relations. Processing happens in the middle and in the output, data is stored in the database, indexes are built which are needed for later processing steps, and so on.

These stages are “hard-coded” in osm2pgsql in the sense that there is code that says, do this first, then do this other thing, then these two things at the same time and so on. Some work could probably be done in parallel, but we’d have to write explicit code to do that, making sure that every stage is finished before some later stage is started that needs the results of the earlier stage (for instance an index must have been built in the database). As we do more and more complex processing this becomes more and more difficult to handle.

We need to think about a design where the processing stages are made explicit in the code and dependencies between stages are modelled in the code. Ideally we can then let things run and whenever something can be done in parallel, osm2pgsql would “magically” do that. In practice this will probably not work, because we have external constrains, chiefly the database I/O bandwith and available RAM to consider. Running things in parallel might actually slow them down. But without making those stages explicit we can’t even begin to manage the complexity that we are working towards.

If we have something like this we can also think about having some kind of function to resume imports that have been broken off at some point. For that each stage would have to be idempotent and we have to store somewhere which stages have been completed.

Handling Changed and Deleted Objects

When processing updates, osm2pgsql will handle deleted objects by simply deleting them from the database. A changed object is handled as if it was deleted and a new object created after that. But users often want to do some extra processing when an object is deleted or changed.

Currently this can be handled by adding database triggers that do something else instead of the delete. But that is somewhat cumbersome and, for changed objects, we have to fit the “delete” and the “insert” together again to find out that we had a “change” originally, something we knew at the start of the processing chain, but that information is lost once we are inside the database.

We might need some extra callbacks into the Lua code for this and/or change the DELETE/COPY we are doing now into some kind of “UPSERT”.

Marking Objects as Changed

Sometimes it can be useful to mark certain OSM objects as changed so that osm2pgsql behaves as if it has read that object from an OSM change file. This can be used, for instance, if the Lua config changed in some specific way and you want to re-process some OSM objects that you know will be affected. This makes only sense in slim mode, of course.

To implement this, osm2pgsql basically would have to read that object from the middle and pretend that it just got it from the input file.

Non-PostgreSQL Middle

In osm2pgsql-speak the “middle” is the part of the code that stores OSM objects for dependency management and updates. Currently there are two middle implementation, the “ram” middle for the non-slim mode which doesn’t support updates and the “pgsql” middle for slim mode which stores the data in the PostgreSQL database and which supports updates. There are many advantages to having this data in the database and we’ll always have that and support that. But for many osm2pgsql use cases a full relational database isn’t really needed for this and it comes with quite a lot of overhead for processing and disk space.

It would be great to have an additional middle implementation with some kind of custom disk-based database, this could be based on something like RocksDB or written from scratch exactly for our use case. Users could then choose whether they want the more efficient one or the more flexible PostreSQL-based one.

Extra points for writing a foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL that can access the external database. That would allow us to combine the advantages of both solutions.

Keeping Extracts Up-to-date

Many people don’t need OSM data from the whole planet in their database but only a small extract, say the data for a city or a country. For one-time imports this is fine, you create the extract with a tool like Osmium and import it. But keeping the database up-to-date is more complex. There are some services out there which offer OSM change files for extracts but they are limited to a fixed list of extracts and usually don’t offer minutely updates.

The alternative currently is to either filter the change files downloaded from before feeding them into osm2pgsql or to apply them all and then filter the database afterwards. Both solutions are cumbersome and have their problems. It would be great to have a better solution here. Ideally osm2pgsql could just consume the diffs downloaded from and do the right thing.