Example: Exporting OSM Data
Osm2pgsql can be used in combination with ogr2ogr (using the PostgreSQL data source) to first import OSM data into a database, possible clean it up or reformat it and then export it again into about any GIS vector format there is.
For this use case we can run osm2pgsql with the flex output and the
configuration. This imports most of the OSM data into the database using
convenient jsonb
columns for the tags:
osm2pgsql -d osm -O flex -S flex-config/generic.lua OSMDATA.osm.pbf
Now we can use the psql
command or other database tools to create SQL views
to access exactly the data we want. Lets get all the ways tagged highway
SELECT way_id, geom, tags->>'highway' AS type, tags->>'name' AS name
FROM lines WHERE tags ? 'highway';
To verify you are getting the correct data, you can use QGIS for instance.
An example command to export this to GeoJSON would be:
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" highways.geojson PG:"dbname=osm" highways
We can do all sorts of processing either inside the Lua script or in the database to wrangle the data into the format we need. Here is another example: In OSM points of interest can either be mapped as nodes or as areas. Lets get all the restaurants tagged as nodes:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW restaurant_nodes AS
SELECT node_id, geom, tags->>'name' AS name
FROM points WHERE tags->>'amenity' = 'restaurant';
And now all the areas:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW restaurant_areas AS
SELECT area_id, geom, tags->>'name' AS name
FROM polygons WHERE tags->>'amenity' = 'restaurant';
And now combine these into one view with just the center points for areas:
SELECT (2 * node_id) AS id, geom, name FROM restaurant_nodes
SELECT (2 * area_id + 1) AS id, ST_Centroid(geom) AS geom, name FROM restaurant_areas;
The fancy calculations for the id
are there to generate a guaranteed unique
id, because lots of programs like QGIS expect a unique id column.
This time we dump these into a Shapefile:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -lco ENCODING=UTF-8 restaurants.shp PG:"dbname=osm" restaurants
Note that we are setting the output encoding to UTF-8, because OSM tags use UTF-8 encoding and Shapefiles by default do not.
Exporting the data to a CSV file is also possible. Start psql
and type:
\copy (SELECT ST_X(geom) AS lon, ST_Y(geom) AS lat, name FROM restaurants) TO 'restaurants.csv' WITH csv header;
Once you get used to this kind of operation you don’t always need to create the views, but can do this in one step specifying an SQL query on the command line:
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" water.geojson PG:"dbname=osm" \
-sql "SELECT geom, tags->>'name' FROM polygons WHERE tags->>'natural' = 'water'"